1. Mock FMP
2. Brand ID and packaging.
3. Bus station
4. Metamorphosis
these are the 4 project i think id like to include in my portfolio simply because i can talk to most about them and have the most work for. the numbers do not represent any order as of yet i just wanted to list them down first before creating any kind of order.
Mock FMP-has all photography work. From editorial screen shots, pre-production, action photos, lifestyle photos, work criticism and improvements, techniques, settings, research, environmental changes(travel), adaptation, leadership, communication.
Brand ID/Packaging- product and graphic design. initial ideas, general packaging and logo research, first net ideas and tests, worksheets showing mainly my logo and brand development with a little bit of packaging design, concept sheets at key stages of the project, more direct research, refining my logo, well thought through packaging ideas, legal requirements for my product, sketches of packaging both 3D and net views, information graphics, more direct research for my logo, poster design, the building of my packaging, research into poster photography, slight changes in logo, POS tests and finalisations, presentation techniques.
Bus station-graphic design and illustration. work for a client, small and large scale work, working on a project for a long period of time, coping with pressure, abstract and stylised work.
Metamorphosis- 3D/sculpture. working with multiple materials and tools, getting used to the properties of each, safety, altering my idea development to be relevant to 3D work, working from a source, researching into that source, abstract and traditional work, combining and altering materials to make them 3D.
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