Thursday, 22 October 2015

William Morris topsy

Died in London 
Last years of his life he was an atheist 
Wrote over 90 books 
Set up his own printing press 
Most popular poet in his day 
His aim was to make the world more beautiful 
Was extremely against industrialisation 
His father died at age 50 
So William Morris gain a slice of his fathers wealth 
Passed his exams at 18 and went to Oxford 
He in his first week of uni met Edward burne-Jones
Passionate about many things but especially poetry 
Ruskin taught Morris to love gothic buildings as they promoted creativity 
*i need to research socialist -A person who spouts socialist views but sits basically on his high horse looking down on all the less welthy. 
Him and Edward decided to give up the church and set out on a life time of art.
He wanted to become a architect 
Rossetti, the dark star entered mortises life 
He was one of the founders of the preraphilites.
Morris gave up the architecture dream and began painting.
Morris created his own furniture for his flat because he didn't agree with mass produced furnishing
The death of Arthur was seen as their bible. This came from a midevil setting.
Morris had a anger issue. 
Morris spotted a stunner at trip to the theatre. 
Her name was Jane burtton 
He didn't know much about women 
She after many year told Morris that she didn't love him 
However, he bribed her to stay with him 
He painted all his walls white just like the survants quarters
Morris tried publishing his poem but didn't get very good exposure. 
He then began on his next big plan. 
He planned 500 illustrations and a epic cycle of poems
The public loved it 
Morris became a celebrity
His friends weren't to happy, Rossetti became his bully
Morris's wife was seen differently by many people however, they all said that she spoke very little 
Morris took her to be cured at the spa 
Rossetti again took the piss out of him 
Jenny(Morris's daughter) was an artist and born 18 months after his marriage 
She isn't mentioned in any of the family's bio's probably because she was epileptic and in that day and age no one knew what to do with her. She died in her 70s.
Morris was hopelessly addicted to chloral, a colourless christaline solvent abuse. Rossetti died in Kent, London
Morris was empathetic of his death even after the abuse he had to take 
When Morris went to work away, Janey 2 years later had an affair with a man called Wilfred. Morris never really loved his wife but it was the fact he love Rossetti that he stayed with her
He used to imagine his ghost hives above them making love 
After his hate-rid of industrialisation he gained a understanding of politics and how industry ruined personality and creativity 
He became a socialist and Marxist 

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